
- Registration of enterprises
- Organizing professional events
- Széchenyi Credit Card Program
- Organizing dual education
- Business consulting
The Somogy Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a public corporation operating as an economic self-governmnet for business organisations in Somogy county, which represents the economic interest of the county.

As a public corporation it performs official tasks, such as the organising vocational training, certifying external trade documents, and running a Conciliation Board. The Chamber provides information and services such as professional events, forums, consulting on legal, financial and tender issues to business organisations, and deals with the Széchenyi Card Program, and vocational training duties.
The Chamber membership is voluntary, but since 2012 the registration to Chamber’s register have been obligatory for businesses except for those working in food industry, agriculture and silviculture.
The Chamber runs the Europe Direct office, which has been established by the European Commission to provide information on EU issues to the county habitants.